Instrumental Method Of Analysis Question Papers 2021 With Explainations


Instrumental Method Of Analysis Question Papers With Explained Answers 

Instrumental Method Of Analysis Question Papers  We prepared a question paper of Instrumental Method Of Analysis because it's little bit tough subject. The Question written below is Very Important Questions of Instrumental Method Of Analysis many questions from here may be see you in exam. So please be prepared your topic but also practice for these questions and we have specially explain each and every question below for You. If You Want Answers of this question question paper. So Comment "I Want" and then I give you answer pdf of this question paper. Read this completely and carefully. 


[ Maximum Marks : 70]
Note :Question paper is divided into two Sections
A and B. Attempt both Sections. Answer
questions as per instructions given.

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt any five questions in about
150 words each. Each question carries
6 marks. (5×6=30)

1. What is singlet, doublet and triplet state ?
Elaborate the factors affecting fluorescence.
2. Explain the instrumentation and application of flame photometry.

3. What is the role of electronic transitions in U.V. spectroscopy ? Discuss its application in pharmaceutical industry.
4. Describe the any two types of detectors used in Spectroscopic technique.
5. What is ion exchange chromatography ? How ion exchange process takes place ? Explain.

6. What types of injector, pumps and detector systems are used in HPLC ? Enlist its pharmaceutical importance.

7. Discuss the fundamental modes of vibration in polyatomic molecules. Explain the types of solvents and sample handling techniques used in IR spectroscopy.

8. How thin layer chromatography is different from paper chromatography ? Compare the techniques along with their applications.

9. Explain the following :
(a) Gel chromatography
(b) Adsorption chromatography

10. Write short notes on applications of any one of
the following :
(a) Gas chromatography
(b) Electrophoresis

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt any four questions in detail. Each question carries 10 marks. (4×10=40)

1. Discuss the instrumentation of UV visible spectrophotometer including sources of radiation, wavelength selectors, sample cells.
2. Discuss the single component and multi component analysis by of UV visible spectroscopy.

3. Discuss the instrumentation of IR
spectrophotometer including Sources of radiation, wavelength selectors.

4. Explain the principle, interferences involved in Atomic absorption spectroscopy.
5. Discuss the principle, instrumentation involved in Nephelo-turbidometry.
6. Explain the workflow of the instrumentation of Gas chromatography technique in detail

7. Give the comparison between any two of the following :
(a) Electrophoresis and Gel Chromatography,
(b) HPLC and Column Chromatography

8. Discuss the applications of any one of the following :
(a) Ion exchange chromatography
(b) Gel chromatography
(c) Affinity chromatography

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Explanation Of Important Questions Of Instrumental method of Analysis

So lets start explaining by sequence wise questions.

1) In this queation, firstly you will define singlet doublet and triplet. Basically you give a simple definition of these terms. and the second part of question is what factors affect fluorescence. factor affecting means what are things which is important for fluorescence.

2) The second question is to about flame photometry. It's a very good and very easy question. In this question firstly you give short definition of flame photometry only in 2-3 lines. Then you write about instrumentation. Instrumentation means the instrument and devices required to complete process of flame photometry. What are the things required to complete this process. Examples for you is Like photometer, Solute and solvents etc many more. So you should tell name of instruments and device and also write what is the purpose of instrument. In second part of question you will tell the application of flame photometric means why we use flame photometry in Pharmaceuticals. So that importance you have to write.

3) In third question, you have understand what is the role of electric transitions in UV- spectroscopy. means why electric transition necessary for UV spectroscopy.
And in second part you have to tell applications of UV Spectroscopy in pharmaceutical Industry.

4) In fourth Question, Two main detector used in spectroscopy. Write about types of detectors. Explain little bit about them.

5) It is Most Important Question and From My Side this question comes mostly 90% in every you have to prepare for it.
Ion Exchange Chromatography. So in this question first you have define ion exchange chromatography and then tell about working means How ion Exchange Chromatography works.Write point wise about working.

6)In this Question you simply write definition of injectors, pumps and detectors and then write types of it. and then define every types if possible draw a small figure which show how they work.
In second part of questions you will write application of injectors pumps and detectors individually of each.

7) This question is little bit hard but you mainly focus on concept. Firstly write a basic modes of vibration in polyatomic. Polyatomic means more than one atom in compound. So tell type of vibration and draw a image. Then write about sample handling technique means how to handle sample to use in IR Spectroscopy.

8) This question is also very important. In first part you have write and highlight specific features of TLC over paper chromatography and give advantage and disadvantages of both TLC and Paper Chromatography with Major Comparison table.

9)It's also a very important question and mostly come in exam. So How do you explain. First give a definition for ex- gel chromatography - what is gel chromatography then write it's Principle of gel chromatography then Instrumentation then write about working and then write about application of gel chromatography. This is correct way to explain any of technique with points and bullets. Do not write these as theoretical.Make it easy for reader. and Repeat same as Adsorption Chromatography. Main topic is same.only you have to change content.

10)This is very simple question only you have to write application of each. If you have not known about application.simple write advantage or ideal characteristics.

Now We Start Long Answer Type Questions. So Let's Start with First.

1) This question is very simple. first give Instrumentation means instruments and many other require for UV spectroscopy. but please include source of radiation means where from radiation is coming and wavelength selector and sample cell. Write all about these not much but minimum 10 lines about each because it's a long question.

2) In this Question Write about Working of UV spectroscopy with single and multi components. Multi components means analysis of more than one chemicals.

3)The pattern of this question is same as 1st questions of long Answer.only technique or process is different but pattern of writing is same.

4) In this Question you have tell about principle means for which is it based or which process follows and also write about working of atomic adsorption.

5) Write about principle and instruments used in process explain very well with points.

6) In 6th Question write about working means how this process or analyses performed completely. and what are instrument required write all about them.

7) In this Question Draw a difference Or Comparison table and Give minimum 10 -15 Points of each.

8) Last question You have to write application of these techniques. Good way to write application is Write major application in points and explain with a short paragraph about major heading and a minimum you have to write 5 heading and write a short paragraph in every heading.




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