Pharmacy Practice Question Papers 2021

Pharmacy Practice Question Papers 2021 With Explaination

Pharmacy Practice Question Papers is an most important tool for pharmacy practice exam. This Pharmacy Practice Model Question Papers is give an idea about type of questions asked as well as show you most important question asked in mostly all previous year exams. So it is best practice questions for you. I personally request you to read this Pharmacy Practice Question Papers 2021 for minimum 10 Minutes to get top in your class.

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Time : Three Hours

Note :Question paper is divided into two Sections A and B. Attempt both Sections. Answer questions as per instructions given.

(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt any five questions in about
150 words each. Each question carries
6 marks. (5×7=35)

1. Classify and describe hospital based on clinical and non-clinical basis.

2. Write a short note on functions of Hospital Pharmacy.

3. Elaborate in short about hospital formulary.

4. Give a brief description about types of drug distribution system in hospital.

5. What do you understand by drug information services, their storage and retrieval ?

6. Describe in brief about functions and policies of PTC.

7. Give rational use of common over the counter drugs/medication.

8. Describe organization of a drug store.

9. Discuss about role of hospital pharmacist.

10. What do you understand by medication interview form ?

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt any four questions in detail. Each question carries 10 marks. (4×10=40)

1. Describe the followings in detail :

(a) Hematology

(b) Urinalysis

2. Elaborate the functions and responsibilities of a clinical pharmacist.

3. What do you understand by Code of ethics for community pharmacy ?

4. Why monitoring of patient medication adherence is key aspect for pharmacist ?

5. What methods are used for detecting drug interaction ?

6. How you see the aspects of toxicity followed by sudden withdrawal of a drug?

7. Give a complete description of layout of hospital pharmacy.

8. Give the importance of communication with patients.

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