Pharmaceutical Analysis 1st Semester Question Paper
Pharmaceutical Analysis 1st Semester Question Paper is now available to you as the Pharmaceutical Analysis Question Paper 2021. This questionnaire helps you with many things like the test pattern and what kind of questions are asked in the exams. It is therefore a good idea for you to include the keynote question for the previous year and the previous one. You also find Answers to these questions as in a pdf uploaded later. Therefore I request that you study this question paper for at least 10 minutes to fully understand this Pharmaceutical Analysis Model Question Paper.
BP- 102T- Pharmceutical Analysis
Paper Code : BP-102T
Paper Name : Pharmaceutical Analysis
Note : Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Answer the questions as per instructions
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note :Attempt all questins. Answer of cach
question should not be more than 30 words.
Each question carries 2 marks. (5 x 2= 10)
1. What do you understand by titration ? 2.Define equivalence point and end point.
3.What requirements must be satistied for
reaction to be used in a titration ?
4. What is peptization and digestion ?
Explain the terms Normal, Molar and Standard solution.
5. Write Name of four types of chemical reactions used as titrimetric analysis with example.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Each question carries 4 marks.
1. Explain the following terms in gravimetry
(a) Gelatinous precipitate
(b) Primary layer
c) Lyophobic colloid
d) Emulsion
2. Write a short note on modern acid-base
concept with suitable examples.
3. What is significant figure ? Give examples.
4) Differentiate between accuracy and precision.
5) Write a note on masking and demasking? Why is it necessary and how it is got ?
6. a) Discuss about co-precipitation and post precipitation and effect on gravimetric analysis.
b) Write the methods of minimizing errors in analysis.
7.Define various modes of expressing
concentrations in titrimetry.
8. Give the definition of conductometry.
potentiometry and polarography.
9. Explain primary and secondary standards.
10. What is law of mass action ? Discuss any three of its fundamental applications to chemical analysis.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note :Answer any four questions in details
Each question carries 10 marks.
(4 x 10=40)
1. What is redox titration? Discuss the theory of redox titration. What is iodimetry? Define titrations involving potassium iodate.
2. Describe electrochemical methods of analysis? Write down the principle and
applications of all methods.
3. Enumerate gravimetric analysis. Give principle and steps involved in gravimctric titration.
4. Describe acid-base titration. Give theory of indicators with suitable example.
5. Elucidate complexometric titration with
principle and applications.
What are metallochromic indicators ?
6. Define neutralisation curve ? Explain titration curves for the Neutralisation of different acid-base solutions.
7. What are the errors usually observed in
analytical work ? Give examples. Make a
distinction in between determinate and indeterminate errors.
8. What are the requisites of precipitate in
in precipitation titration ? Discuss precipitation Theory and discuss the factors Regulate the particle size of a precipitate.
BP-102 T
B.Pharm. I Semester
Pharmaceutical Analysis - I
Time : Three Hours
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss various theories of acid-base indicator. Why phenolphthalein changes its colour at end point.
2. a) Differentiate betwee Primary and Secondary standards? Explain with appropriate examples.
b) How do you standardize 0.1M NaOH solution?
3. What is Precipitation Titration? Compare Mohr's method with Volhard's method.
4. Discuss the principle and application of:
a) Redox Titration
b) Explain briefly Iodimetry
5. Define the the term Potentiometry? Explain standard hydrogen electrode.Why reference electrodes are required.
6.a) Describe the principle and steps involved in gravimetric analysis.
b) What are Masking and Demasking agents?
7. Explain any two of the following:
a) Standardization of sodium thiosulphate
b) Errors
c) Non-aqueous titration
8. Make a note on any two of the following:
a) Dropping mercury electrode
b) Redox Indicators
c) Titration between strong base and weak acid
B.Pharmacy I Semester
Pharmaceutical Analysis - I
Time : Three Hours
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is the principle of Polarography? Give Explaination about construction and working of dropping mercury electrodes ?
2. Explain different type and sources of errors found during analysis. Describe briefly various techniques used in
pharmaceutical analysis.
3. Describe the principle of potentiometry along with the concept and working of reference and Indicator electrode.
4. Explain the following.
a) lodometry and lodimetry
b)Standardization of 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide solution.
5. Explain theories of acid base indicators? Discuss neutralization titration between strong base and strong acid.
6. Explain the principles and procedure of Non-Aqueous titration. Discuss various solvents and indicators that is beneficial for such estimations?
7. Write the principle and steps involved in gravimetric analysis. What is co-precipitation? How will you ensure purity of the precipitate?
8. Give a short Notes on any two as follows.
a)Metal ion indicators.
b) Volhard's method.
c)Primary and secondary standards.
BP-102 T
B.Pharmacy I Semester
Pharmaceutical Analysis- I
Time: Three Hours
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Describe preparation and standardization of 0.IN sodium hydroxide solution.
b) Brief account on sources of Errors.
2. Explain different techniques of analysis.
3. What is Non aqueous titration and write method of estimation of Sodium benzoate?
4. Detail account on Mohr's method with example and give principles and applications of redox titration.
5. Write basic principles, methods and application of diazotisation titration.
6. Give classification of complexometric titration and brief about Conductometric titrations.
7. What is Polarography? Explain Ikovic equation, construction and working of dropping mercury electrode.
8. Write short notes on (Any three)
a) Calomel electrode.
b) Co-precipitation and post precipitation.
c) Neutralization curves.
d) Normality and molarity.
e) lodimetry and Iodometry.
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