Pharmacology II Question Paper ||B.Pharm V Sem. 5th Semester Question Paper is the most important tool to get the good marks in the exams of In most of the cases, the same questions are repeated in the exams. In other cases at least we will get the idea of questions pattern, quantity, and levels. It also helps us to check our ability to appear in the exams.
Now, we will provide you Pharmacology II questions paper are enough for practice and score good marks. Here you can download the pharmacology II Model question papers of B.Pharm-5th Semester .
Pharmacology II Question Paper - 1
B. Pharm 3rd Year
Semester- 5
Pharmacology II
BP- 503-T
Important Questions-:
Section- A
Q-1 Discuss about the Class1 Anti-arrythmic drugs?
Q-2 Write a note on Plasma Volume Expander?
Q-3 Explain Electrophysiology Of Heart?
Q-4 Describe the Pharmcology and mechanism of Thiazide Diuretics?
Q-5 What are Oral Contraceptives?
Q-6 Write down the Pharmcological action and uses of Prostaglandin?
Q-7 Write a note on 5 HT?
Q-8 Write a note on Growth Hormone?
Q-9 Discuss the release and Synthesis of Insulin?
Q-10-Describe The method of Bioassay?
Q-1 What is Hypertension? How is blood pressure regulated in the body? Classify antihypertensive drugs and discuss Propanolol in detail?
Q-2 What is angina pectoris? Discuss its types. Explain detail about nitrates(MOA, uses and adverse effect of Nitrates).
Q-3 Write the MOA of Warfarin sodium? Classify anticoagulant drugs?
Q-4 What are Contraceptive? Discuss about Female oral contraceptive in details?
Q-5 What are NSAIDS? Classify them? Discuss in detail about Aspirin(MOA, pharmacological action, uses and side effect).
Q-6 Write a short note on Gout?
Q-7 What are oral hypoglycemic drug?Classify them and discuss in detail about their uses and side effect.
Q-8 Discuss in detail about synthesis, release and pharmacological action and uses of Thyroid Hormones?
B. Pharmacy V Semester Examination,
Pharmacology - Il
-All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write a short note on serotonergic neurotransmission in the brain.
4. Explain the pharmacology of drugs used in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
5. Define epilepsy. Classify antiepileptic agents. Write pharmacological actions, mechanism of action and adverse effects of phenytoin.
6. Classify the following drugs (Any four):
a) Muscle relaxants
b) Sedative and hypnotics
c) Antianxiety agents
f) Hallucinogens
7. What is the Schizophrenia, classify the antipsychotic drugs write pharmacological actions of Chlorpromazıne.
8. Write short notes on (any two):
a) Centrally acting muscle relaxants
b Drug addiction and drug abuse
c) Antiulcer drugs
d) Emetics and antiemetic
9. what is Anxiety. Classify the anti-anxiety agents and discuss role of Benzodiazepines in anxiety.
10. a) What are Hallucinogens. Explain in brief.
b) what is Tranquilizer. Give Classification.
Pharmacology II Question Paper - 3
B. Pharmacy V Semester Examination,
Pharmacology - Il
-All questions carry equal marks.
1. Brietly explain the pharmacological actions ot Antidepressants
2. What is the Schizophrenia, classify the antipsychotic drugs and write a note on haloperidol.
3. a) Give examples any two drugs of calcium channel Inhibitor.
b)Write the mechanism of action of Gabapentin and Tiagapine?
4. What is Epilepsy and Classify Types of Epilepsy.
5.Classify antiepileptic drugs give pharmacological properties of phenobarbitone.
6. Write source and name of opiods Analgesic.
7. a)Write the steps of synthesis of catecholamines.
b)Write a note on dopaminergic neuroransmission.
Write in brief pharmacological account of the phenytoin.
8. a) What is Algesia?
b) Write a short note on serotonergic neurotransmission in the brain.
c) Write the narmes of endogenous opioid peptides.
d) Describe in brief about opioid receptors.
9. Write a note on opioid agonist.
10. Mention any two centrally acting muscle relaxants.
10) Write down the properties of an ideal anaesthetic.
a) Define the sedative and hypnotic, classify the sedative-hypnotic drugs and give pharmacological properties ot benzodiazpines.
10. Write short note on Morphine.
Pharmacology II Question Paper - 4
BP-503T (CBGS)
B.Pharm. V Semester (PCI Scheme)
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)
Time : Three Hours
1. Give a brief account on plasma expanders. Discuss various factors of coagulation.
2. Define Diuretics? Classify diuretic agents? Explain the mechanism of action of Acetazolamide and Amiloride.
3. Wnite short note on
b) Oral hypoglycemic agents
c) Hematinics
4. a) Classify antiarthythmic drugs. Give the mechanism of action of quinidine.
b) Explain the electrophysiology of heart.
5. Classity Anthypertensive drugs. Briefly explain the pathophysiology of hypertension.
6. Briefly explain antiplatelet drug's along with their mechanism of action.
7. Discuss the impact of lipid profiles on vascular system. How it Can be rectified?
8. What are androgens? Discuss the pathophysiology of erectile Dysfunction. Discuss the drug used to erectile dysfunction.
9. Classify anti-hypertensive agent. Write Mechanism of action,pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of ACE inhibitor.
10.What are diuretics? Explain mechanism of action of Furesimide
B.Pharmacy V Semester (PCI Scheme
(Non-PCI Scheme)
Examination, November 2019
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
1. a) Explain drugs in the therapy of Shock.
b) Classify hematinics. Explain absorption, transport,utilization, store and excretion of Iron.
2. a) Classify Non-selective COX inhibitor. Describe how they produce analgesic-antipyretic and anti-imflammatory.
c) Discuss the role of calcium channel blocker in angina pectoris.
3. a) Discuss pharmacological action of digoxin on heart in cardiac Failure.
b) What are the requirements of an idea plasma expander?
4.Describe in brief the pharmacology of thrombolytic agent.
5. Classify Diuretics. Write note on furosemide.
6. Classify antithyroid drugs and describe the mechanism of action and adverse effect of thiocyanate ion and
7. What do you mean by Diuretics? Classify Diuretic agents.
b) Explain the mechanism of action of furosemide and acetazolamide.
Pharmacology II Question Paper - 5
8. Give example of two drug which Inhibit T type Ca++ Current.
9. What is tranquilizer. Explain difference between major and minor tranquilizers.
10. Write the extra-pyramidal symptoms of Hallucinogens.
Dear Students,
These are pharmacology question papers for pharmacy make from PCI syllabus For can practice how question make from each unit and which type of question have greater chances for coming in exam.
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