Pharmacy Act 1948 In Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Notes Pdf


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Pharmacy Act 1948 In Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Notes Pdf

  Pharmacy act 1948  was passed with the broad objective of regulating the practice of pharmacy in India. it provide for the course, which the would be pharmacists should go through the nature and period of training which they should undergo and Examination which they must pass in order to become eligible for registration as a pharmacist. In India The Pharmacy act governing the practice of Pharmacy. 

In modern days a pharmacist is regarded as a member of healthcare team or an essential component of Healthcare System, the primary obligation of Pharmacy is to safeguard the Public Health by making available the right. Medicaments are of vital importance and has their handling, compounding, dispensing and storage need a specialized knowledge, skills and training of personnel code called pharmacist. The desired knowledge,  skill and training are provide through pharmacy college.

State Pharmacy Council and pharmacy Council of India are responsible for the registration of pharmacist.

 The Act extended to the whole of India, except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Agreement  means and agreement entered into under Section 20.

 Approval means approval by the state Council under Section 12 or section 14 for the purpose of qualifying for registration under the Act.

 Central Council mean the pharmacy Council of India constitute under Section 3.

 Central register mean the register of Pharmacists maintained by their Center Council under section 15 A.

 Register means register of Pharmacists prepared and maintained under the Act.

 Registered Pharmacist means a person who is name is for the time being under in the register of State in which he is for the time being carrying on His profession or business of Pharmacy.

 State Council means a state Council of Pharmacy constituted under section 19 and include a joint State Council or Pharmacy in accordance with an agreement under the section 20 of the Act. 

Pharmacy Council of India

It is constituted by the central government every five years. The First Central Council pharmacy Council of India or PCI was constituted in 1949. 
 It consists of the following member.

 A) Elected member

1) Six member include at least one teacher each in pharmaceutical chemistry Pharmacy, pharmacology and Pharmacognosy on the teaching stop of an Indian University or an Affiliated College granting a degree or diploma in pharmacy. These members are elected by the university grants commission , New Delhi.

2) One member elected by the Medical Counseling of India from amongst it's member.
3) One Member who shall be registered pharmacist to represent each state elected by state Council from amongst it's member. 

B) Nominated member

 1) Six-member including at least four person possessing degree or diploma in Pharmacy and engage in the practice of Pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry nominated by central government.

2) One represented to each of University grants commission and all-india counseling for technical education.
3) One registered Pharmacist to represent each state nominated by state government or Union territory Administration.

C) Ex officio members

 1)The director-general of Health Service.

 2)The director of central drug laboratory.

 3)The drug Controller General of India. 

The president and the vice-president of PCI or elected by the member of counseling from amongest themselves. They hold office for a maximum period of five years, but they are eligible of re-election.

Elections are to be conducted in prescribed Manner and in case of any dispute the matter is referred to central government. 

Any nominated or electric elected members shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of his nomination or election or until his successor has been duly nominated or elected. 

A nominated or elected a member can resign his membership by writing under his hand to the president.

 A nominated or elected member shall be deemed to have vacated sheet If he is absent without sufficient reason from the three consecutive meeting of the PCI, if an ex-officio member is unable to attend any meeting. He can authorize a person to attend meeting on his behalf.

 A Casual Vacancy in the PCI shall be filled by fresh nomination or election and the person so nominated or elected shall hold the office for residual term only.

 The council shall appoint a registrar who shall act it's secretory and if necessary, it's treasure as well other officers and servant for Carrying out its statutory function. 

The executive committee of the PCI consist of the president and the vice president and other five members elected by Central counseling from amongst its member. 

Education Regulation 

Education Regulations are made by the central council with the approval of the central government.

 Education Regulations prescribed the minimum qualification for registration as a pharmacist. 
The education regulations may prescribe :-
1)The nature and the period of study and practical training.
 2) The equipment and Facilities to be provided for students undertaking approved courses of study.
 3) The subject of examination and standards to be attained.
 4) Any other condition of admission to examination.

 Education regulation can be amended only after taking into consideration the comment of state government. Education regulation take effect in state from the date notified by state government.

 According to The Pharmacy Act 1948  under education regulation 91 ,  a candidate Shall be eligible to undergo practical training after having appeared in Diploma in pharmacy part second examination in one or more of the following Institute. 

1) Government Hospital / dispensaries.  
2)Other hospital / dispensaries recognized by the PCI.
3) licenses Pharmacy, Chemist and druggist Shope.
4) licensed drug manufacturing unit. 

Practical training shall be of not less than 500 hours spread over a period of not less than three months. Out of this 500 hours period not less than 250 hours must be devoted to Actual dispensing of prescription.

 In the course of practical training the training shall have exposure :-
1)  working knowledge of record require by various act covering profession of Pharmacy.

2) Practical experience in :

A)  principle and working of pharmaceutical apparatus in common use.
B) reading, translation and coping of prescription into the checking of dose.

C) dispensing of prescription illustrating the general method of administrating medicaments. 

D) Storage of drug and medical prepration. 

Approved courses of study and examination

Approval of PCI is essential not only for course of examination but also for starting any course in Pharmacy any college in India conduct a course of study for pharmacists must apply to PCI in for approval of the course and exam the constant then depute. It's inspector to visit the college to ensure whether the  college has a minimum facilities for running such a course or holding examinations as for the education regulation. The instructor may also be required to attend any examination without interfering in its conduct to judge its standard. 

 Inspector submit their report and recommendation to the PCI and accordingly any course or examination is approved or rejected.
 Unless a person passes from a PCI approved Institute and complete the prescribed practical training. He cannot be registered as a pharmacist and hence cannot practice for profession of Pharmacy. 

Pharmacy education in India has dual control PCI as well as AICTC and falls under technical education as per the all India Council for technical Education Act.

 Therefore AICTC also assess and evaluate through its expert committee the facility  for starting a new course in pharmacy. 

Withdrawal of Approval -

If an approved Course of Study or an approved examination no longer continue to be confirmative and education regulation, PCI gives notice to concerned authority of its intention to consider the venerable of approval. They said authority should within three months from the receipt of such notice forward the PCI to the state government. After consider representation along with the observation of the state government, PCI May declare that course of study or the examination Shall be  deemed to be approve only completed or passed before a particular date. 

Approval for other qualification -

 PCI May approve any foreign qualification for the purpose of registration as pharmacists in India.  such approval is given on reciprocal basis. It means that the registration authority of the other country should also recognize the PCI approved diploma or degree of any institution of India.

Interstate agreement are agreement or agreement for the Constitution's of joint State counseling for all participating States would that state Council of one state Shall are the need of participating State.
 Each state counseling shall have a president and a vice president elected by the member from amongst themselves. It may also appoint a registrar who may act as a secretary. And it may also Point necessary officers and servants to carry out its function under the pharmacy Act. The state counseling is also required to constitute an executive committee similar to that Central counseling. It should also submit the necessary information and annual report to the state government.

 Inspections - A state counseling May appoint inspector having a prescribed qualification inspect any premises where drug are compounding or dispense enquire whether a person who is engaged in compounding or dispensing of drug is a registered pharmacist investigate any complaint regarding Contravention of the act Institute prosecution under the order of executive committee of the state Council on exercise such other powers as are necessary for Central purpose of this act. 

Every inspector is deemed to be a public servant and as defined under Indian Penal Code any person willfully obstructing an inspector in the exercise of his power is punishable with imprisonment up to six month or fine up to Thousand rupees.


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