B.Pharmacy Question Paper (1st Semester)

B.Pharmacy Question Paper-  (Important Questions) Semester-1st Pdf Download

 Semester-  1st

Here you will get B.pharm Question Paper Pdf  1st Semester subject .

These are the previous years question Paper to provide and help student to gain highest marks in exam.

This questions paper are of b.pharm 1 sem. As per latest PCI syllabus

BP- 101T - Human Anatomy and Physiology- 1

Paper Code : BP-101T
Paper Name : Human Anatomy and
Time : Three Hours ]
[ Maximum Marks : 70
[ Pass Percentage : 40%
Note :Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Attempt questions as per instructions given.

Each question carries 02 marks. (5 x 2 10)
1. Define Flexion movement.
2. What do you mean by homeostasis ?
3. Define hormone and also give mechanism hormone action.
4 Write a note on pituitary gland.
5. Give the function of the skull.
6. What do you mean by neurotransmitter ?
7. How do the adrenal gland respond to stress ?
(Short Answ Type Questions)
Note :Answer any five questions in about 150
words each. Each question carries 04 marks.
(5 x 4 = 20)
1. Give the basic principle of cell communication and explain paracrine signaling pathway.
2.. Write a note on cell division.
3. Write the name of the bones of axial and appendicular skeleton system.
4: Define joint and explain its various
5. Give the classification and properties of nerve fiber.
6. Define electrophysiology. Give the principle mechanism and of classical
electrophysiological techniques.
1.Give the steps sympathetic nervous system.
2. Draw a neat and clean diagram of tongue. Also give its function.

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note :Answer any four questions in detail. Each
question carries 10 marks.
(4 x 10 = 40)
1. Give the structure of cell and explain transport across the cell membrane.
2. Define tissue. Give its classification and
explain epithelial and muscular tissue in detail.
3. Explain physiology of muscle contraction with diagram in detail.
4. Give structure and function of brain in detail.
5. Write notes on the following:
(a) Action potential
(b) Receptor
6. Give structure and function of parasympathetic nervous system.
7. Draw neat and clean diagram of ear. Explain

BP- 102T- Pharmceutical Analysis

Paper Code : BP-102T

Paper Name : Pharmaceutical Analysis


Maximum Marks: 70

Note:Question paper is divided into three

Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.

Answer the questions as per instructions



(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note :Attempt all questins. Answer of cach

question should not be more than 30 words.

Each question carries 2 marks. (5 x 2= 10)

1. What do you understand by titration ? 2.Define equivalence point and end point.

3.What requirements must be satistied for

reaction to be used in a titration ?

4. What is peptization and digestion ?

Explain the terms Normal, Molar and Standard solution.

5. Give name and examples of four types of chemical reactions which are used as the basis of titrimetric analysis.


(Short Answer Type Questions)

 Each question carries 4 marks.

(5x4 25)

1. Explain the following terms in gravimetry

(a) Gelatinous precipitate

(b) Primary layer

c) Lyophobic colloid

d)  Emulsion

2. Write a short note on modern acid-base

concept with suitable examples.

3. What is significant figure ? Give examples.

4) Differentiate between accuracy and precision.

5) What do you understand by masking and. demasking? Why is it necessary and how is it Got?

5. Write a note on co-precipitation and post precipitation and their effect on gravimetric analysis.

6. Explain the methods of minimizing errors in analysis.

7 Define various modes of expressing

concentrations in titrimetry.

8. Give the definition of conductometry.

potentiometry and polarography.

9. Explain primary and secondary standards.

10. What is law of mass action ? Describe any three of its important applications to chemical analysis.


(Long Answer Type Questions)

Note :Answer any four questions in detail 

Each question carries 10 marks.

(4 x 10=40)

1. What is redox titration ? Discuss the theory of redox titration. What is iodimetry?

Define titrations involving potassium iodate.

2. What are the electrochemical methods of analysis ? Write down the principle and

applications of all methods.

3. Enumerate gravimetric analysis. Give principle and steps involved in gravimctric titration.

4. Describe acid-base titration. Give theory of indicators with suitable example.

5. Elucidate complexometric titration with

principle and applications.

What are metallochromic indicators ?

6. What do you understand by neutralisation curve ? Describe the titration curves for the Neutralisation of different acid-base solutions.

7. What are the errors usually observed in

analytical work ? Give examples. Make a

distinction in between determinate

and indeterminate errors.

8. What are the requisites of precipitate in

in precipitation titration ? Explain the theory of precipitation and discuss the factors which control the particle size of a precipitate.

BP- 103T- Pharmceutics- 1 

Paper Name- Pharmceutics 1
Paper Code : BP-103T
Maximum Marks: 70
Pass Percentage: 40%
 Three Hours

Note- Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Attempt questions as per instructions given.

Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note : Attempt all questions. Answer of each Question should not be more than 30 words.

Each question carries 02 marks. (5 x 2=10)

1. Define posology
2. Define liniments and lotion.
3. Define suspension.
4. Write a note on proof spirit.
5. Define suppositories.

(Short Answer Type Question)

1. Discuss pharmacy as a career.
2. Discuss factors affecting posology.
3. Write a note on alligation
4. Discuss various solubility enhancement

5. Discuss methods to overcome the problems stability problems in emulsion.

6.Discuss methods to overcome the poblems stability problems in suspension.

7. Give definition and preparation of syrups.

8. Write a note on Mouthwashes.
9. Write a note on pediatric dose calculations.
10. Write a note on pharmacopocias.

Section C
(Long Answer Type Questions)

Each Question carries 10 marks.

1. Define semi-solid dosage forms. Discuss evaluation of semi-solid dosage form.

2. Discuss pharmaceutical incompatibilities

3. Discuss methods of preparation and evaluation of suppositories.

4 . Discuss classitication of emulsion and test for type of emulsion. Add a note on methods of preparation and stability problems in Emulsions

5. Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of suspensions.

6. Discuss preparation of suspensions and stability problems in Suspensions.

7. Write a note on prescription.
8. Discuss in detail powders.
9. Write a note on liquid dosage forms.

BP- 104T- Pharmceutical Iorganic Chemistry

Paper Code: BP-104T
Paper Name: Pharmaceutical Inorganic
Time: Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks: 75

Note: Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Answer the questions as per instructions

 Each question carries 2 marks.

1. What do you mean by the term Impurity with example

2. Define the term Buffer Solution.

3. Deine the term Antacids.
4. Define the term Expectorant.
5. What is ORS.


(Short Answer Type Questions)
 Each question carries 5 maks.

1. Describe the principle involved in the limit test for chloride.

2. Describe the importance of limit test in
pharmaceutical preparation.
3. Describe the term Lewis acid and Lewis base with suitable example.

4. Discuss the important function of sodium ion in the body.
5. Write a note on Saline Cathartics.
6. Write a note on Magnesium containing antacid.
7: What precautions have to be taken in handling radioactive materials?
8 What is the  role of activated charcoal in
poisoning ?

9. Write an informative note on Astringents.

10. Describe the role of fluoride in the treatment of dental caries.


Long Answer Type Questions)
Note :Attempt any four questions. Each questions carries 10 Marks (10 x4=40)

1. Describe the principle of the limit test of lead according to IP and BP.
2. Describe the method of preparation, properties and uses of Calcium Gluconate.

3. Write note on the following :
(a) Measurement of tonicity
(b) Mechanism of Buffer action

4. Describe the method of preparation, properties and uses of Sodium Bicarbonate.
5. Describe the method of preparation, properties and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide.
6. Describe the method of preparation, properties and uses of Ammorium Chloride.
7. Define the term Haematinics. Explain method of preparation, properties and uses of Ferrous Sulphate.

8.Write an essay on Radiopharmaceuticals.

BP -105T : Communication Skills

BP-105 T: Communication Skills
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 35
Note: Answer the questons as per instructions given.

Section- A

Answer the following questions in  30 words. (01x5= 05 M)

1. What is communication?
2. What is face to face communication?
3. What is interview?
4.What is group discussion?
5.What is messager.


Answer any five of the following questions in not more than 150 words.

(02x5=10 M)

1. Describe the importance of communication.
2. What are language barriers of communcation?
3. What is the role of visual perception in communication?
4. How do we communicate through body language?
5. Discuss communication style.
6. What is active listening?
7. What are the techniques of delivery in presentation?
8. What are communication skills in group discussion?
9. Why is knowing your audience important for effective communication?

10. What are interview skills?

Group C
Answer any four of the following questions in detail.


1. Describe the process of communication, focusing mainly on coding, decoding context and feedback.

2. Enumerate the barriers to communication.
3. Discuss verbal and non-verbal communication.
4. What are the different styles of communication?
5. Describe basic listening skills.
6. What are the features of effective writing?
7. What are the do's and don'ts of an interview?
8. Draft a group discussion on the topic of ayurveda as an alternative therapy.

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  1. Thnx bro open thr page to giv3 question papers

  2. Thank you so much for providing such a important study Material for B Pharmacy Students 👍

    Thanks a lot 👍👍👍
