B.Pharmacy 2nd Semester Question Paper pdf Download

B.Pharmacy Question Paper Pdf Download(Semester-2nd)

 Semester-  2nd

 B.Pharmacy 2nd Semester Question Paper :Here you will get B.pharm Previous Year Question Paper Pdf  subject wise.

These are the previous years question Paper provide and help student to gain highest marks in exam.

This questions paper of b.pharm 2nd sem. As per latest PCI syllabus.

Previous year question paper are the most important tool to Prepare for any type exams.

Because you know most important questions are repeated every year and the good use of previos year question paper is to know about the pattern of paper/exam.

And this is secret of toppers which revealed. Because if you prepare for any exam and it is important to know that how Questions are arise for each and every topic.

So this will helpful a lot and previous year question papers are also helpful in before sometime of exams. So You Can Prepare for that...

Now you will download each subject question paper by "Click on Download Button"

BP-202T -  Pharmceutical Inorganic Chemistry

Paper Name : Pharmaceutical Organic
Time : Three Hours ]

Note :Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Answer questions as per instructions given.

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt all questions. Answer of each question should not be in more than 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
(05 x 2 = 10)

1. Define electromeric effect.
2. Give IUPAC nomenclature for CH3-CH CH(Br)-CH-CI
3. Define structural isomerism.
4. Give IUPAC nomenclature for CH-CH-CH
5. Give IUPAC nomenclature for CH3-CH C0-CH-CH3

(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt any five questions in about
150 words each. Each question carries 4 marks.
(05 x 4 =20)

1. Discuss Diel-Alder reaction.
2. Discuss stability of alkenes.
3. Describe Perkin condensation reaction.
4. Write a note on Cannizzaro reaction.
5. Discuss free radical addition reactions of conjugated dienes.
6. Discuss electrozhilic addition of hydrogen bromide on propene.
7. Define ozonolysis.
8. Write a note on carbocations.
9. Discuss Markownikoff's orientation.
10. Discuss Saytzeff's rule.

Note :Attempt any four questions in detail. Each Question carties 10 marks.
(04 x 10 = 40)
1. Discuss free radical halogenations of alken and allylic rearangement.
2. Explain acidity of carboxylic acids and factors affecting it. Discuss structure of salicylic acid.

3. Discuss basicity of amines and factors  affecting it. Discuss structure and amphetamine.
b) Write a note on El and E2 reactions.

5. Explain mechanism of SN1' and SN2' reaction. Discuss factors affecting SN1' and SN2 reactions.
6. Discuss Aldol condensation and crossed aldol condensation reactions.
b) Explain sp1' hybridization in alkanes. Discuss the mechanism of halogenations of ethane.

8. Explain qualitative test of alcohols. Discuss structure and uses of glycerol.

BP- 204T- Pathophysiology-

Paper Name:Pathophysiology
Time: Three Hours]
Maximum Marks: 70
Question Paper divided into three
 Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Answer questions as per instructions given.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt all questions. Answer of each question should not be in more than
30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
(5x2 = 10)
1. What is hypertrophy? Give a suitable example.
2. Define bronchial asthma.
3. How does peptic ulcer occur in humans ?
4. Define Gout.
5. Which microorganism causes typhoid ? How does it spread ?

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Attempt any ve questions Answer of
Each question should not be in more than
100 words. Each question carries 4 marks.
1. Write a note on mitochondrial damage.
2. What are the basic principles of wound healing in the skin ?
3. Pathogenesis of hypertension.
4 Write a note on thyroid disease
5. Write a note on Alzleimer's disease.
6. Pathogenesis of jaundice.
7. Write a note on Osteoporosis.
8. Pathogenesis of T.B.
9. Pathogenesis of urinary tract infection.
10. Write a note on AIDS.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note :Attempt any 4 questions in detail. Each question carrie 10 marks.
1. Describe the pathogenesis of nuclear damage.
2. What is angina pectoris ? Describe it in detail.
3. Describe the pathophysiology of diabetes.
4. Pathophysiology Parkinson's disease.
5.Describe the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer.
6. What are the types of cancer occurring in human body ? Describe its etiology and pathogenesis.
7. Describe the pathophysiology of leprosy.
8. Pathophysiology of syphilis.

BP- 205T- Computer Applications in Pharmacy- 1 -

Paper Name : Computer Application in
Time Three Hours ]
[Maximunm Marks; 70

Note : Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Answer questions as per instructions given.

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt all questions. Answer of each question should not be in more than
30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.

1. Convert decimal 34 into binary number.
2. What is HTML
3. Define pharmacokinetics.
4 What is bioinformatics.
5. What is TIML?

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Attempt any five questions. Answer of each question Should not be in more than 150 words. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Solve the arithmetic equation 35-14 = ? using 2's complement representation.

2. Discuss the use of DFD's?
3. Write a short note on web servers.
4. Write the syntax to create a table in SQL.How can we insert rows into this table?
5. What is the use of drug information storage and retrieval ? 
6. What is electronic prescribing and discharge system?
7. Discuss in brief the objective of
8. What is Vaccine discovery and how
bioinformatlies impact it ?
9. What is data analysis in preclinical
development ?
10 Write a note on Text information Management System (TIMS).


(Long Answer type Questions)
Note:Attempt any four questions in detail. 

Each question carries 10 marks(4x10=40)

1. Write a program in C convert decimal
number to binary number.

2. Discuss the phases of process life cycle.

3. Write SQL queries for:
i) Displaying contents of a table Customer.
ii) Deleting table "Customer".
iii) Displaying Customer Name having ID =3
IV) Calculating average of Amount in
Customer table
(V) Updating Amount to 5000 for all the

4. Discuss any five HTML tags.
5 Discuss the use of computer in pharmacy

6. How can patient monitoring system be
developed ?
7. Discuss in detail chromatographic data
8. Describe the concept of bioinformatics along with its application in various fields.

5. Discuss the use of computer in pharmacy.
6. How can patient monitoring system be
developed ?
7. Discuss indetail chromatographic data
8. Describe the concept of bioinformatics along with its application in various felds.

BP- 206T- Environmental Studies*-

Paper Name : Environmental Science
{Time Three Hours}
[Maximum Marks 70
Note : Question paper is divided into three
Sections A, B and C. Attempt all Sections.
Answer questions as per instructions given.
1.What is an Ecosystem ?
2. Define Renewable and non-renewable
3. Define biodiversity hotspots.
4. What is global warming ?
5. Define disaster management.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Answer any five questions in about 150 words each. Each question carries 4 marks. (5x 4 20)
1. Discuss energy flow in an ecosystem
2. Describe biotic and abiotic forest ecosystem.
3. Write causes of deforestation.
4. Write a note on use of alternate energy sources.
5. Describe the different levels of biological diversity.
6. Discuss India as mega-biodiversity nation.
7. Write causes and effects of water pollution.
8. Discuss control measures of urban and
industrial waste.
9. Write causes of floods and earthquake.
10. Write briefly about Chipko Movement.

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Answer any four questions in detail. Each question carrics 10 marks (4 x10=40)
1. Define aquatic ecosystem. Discuss biotic and abiotic components of pond ecosystem.
2. Define energy resources. Discuss renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
3. Define biological diversity. Write a detailed note on values and threats to biodiversity.
4. Write a detailed note on conservation of
S. Define environmental pollution. Discuss
causes, effects and control of soil pollution.
6. Define ozone depletion. Discuss causes,
impacts and control of ozone depletion.
7. Describe salient features of Environment Protection Act.
8. Write a detailed note on human population growth and its impacts on environment.

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  1. Sir 2019 2020 ka question paper bhi dal do pci ke according
